20 March 2011

Watch Your Fucking Language!

I was directed to this fantastic short clip about swearing (from a bog I frequent called "The Good Atheist") in witch the bloody brilliant Stephen Fry basically says "Fuck off!" (Side note: it also contains clips starring Hugh Laurie! ♥♥♥♥)

I love this. I've been saying this for years. "Swear" words are what we make them! If we all suddenly decided "blanket" was a swear word, it would be. They're fucking WORDS. They're used for effect just like ANY other word! Don't tell me when I can and cannot use them!

That being said, I do try to curb my foul mouth around children, old people and my family. It's just a manners thing I suppose, but I don't think I NEED to do it. I wouldn't cry if I accidentally did. With kids I suppose it's more A) I don't want to hear it from their parents and B) I don't want to have to explain what the words mean to them. Fortunately, I avoid kids like the plague so this is not a huge concern for me. haha With old people, again, I just don't want to hear it and I don't want to be mean to them if they yell at me, so I'd rather just avoid the situation altogether. Family...I don't know, just how I was raised I guess.

But I get shit for in the office on occasion (though mostly, it's just the volume of my voice! haha), and I think it's silly. It's amazing how people are sometimes SHOCKED when I curse a lot! I think it also has to do with being female. I'd probably get less attention from it if I were male. Which ultimately, I think, is why I love it. I love breaking that male/female barrier. Any fucking thing HE can do, I can bloody well do too! ;-)

It's pretty funny to me, though, when I think back to the fifth grade when all my classmates were cursing and I refused to. I don't really know why. I listened to my parents, I guess. I was raised a little nerd, which is why I didn't get drunk before I was twenty-one and never smoked a cigarette. I'm not complaining, mind you, I think these are all good things. One can be a little rebellious in their lives without harming oneself (hey, I had a mohawk at 14!). Needless to say, by junior high I was cursing here and there...and by the time I started working at Marvel, I had been given the (short-lived) nickname "F-Bomb."

The ironic thing is that if everyone were to stop caring about curse words or just use them all the time, they would eventually lose their meaning and would cease to be shocking!

The Fucking End.


AllStevie said...

I think you're on to something with the girl thing. As a kid, I definitely felt my parents were angrier when i cursed than when my younger brother did. which, of course, was tantamount to rewarding me for it...

WanderingSteve said...

"Any fucking thing HE can do, I can bloody well do too! ;-)"

Pee standing up? And be able to aim? As they say on the internets: "pics or stfu!"! ^_~ lol. j/k. ^_^