04 February 2009

The ONLY Good Thing About Snow...

It's pretty! After seeing Equus (pretty good, but VERY strange play...with Harry Potter's willy flapping about) with one of my best friends, I walked towards to the bus and just had to stop and take these pictures of Bryant Park (and the 42nd St. library). Ah, I love New York City...

This is the only good thing about snow. Normally, I hate the FRAK out of it. But as it has STOPPED snowing when I took these and barely any of it stuck to the sidewalks, I was able to appreciate how pretty it can be.

Though I was less happy with it when I got back home to my car and had to scrape snow off it for 15 minutes. ::sigh::

The End.


THIGHS said...


Scott Sackett said...

Nice pictures. I really like the one with the Empire State Bldg. in the middle.

The snow makes me glad I'm going to NYC in May!