Our very own
Margarita Vaisman (Marketing Coordinator, Digital Media Group) just posted a new article on
Marvel.com about ladies' Wolvie shirts and guess who is one of the models?! Yes, ME. Check it out!
Marvel Style: Wearing WolverineWe took a ton of pics the other day, obviously only the best could be used. Click the link to see 'em. Here's one shot that didn't make it in that I also liked...
Photos by Judith Stevens!

And if you like what you see, ladies, go get 'em! These shirts rock! (I actually already own the one Margarita is wearing!)
The End!
Oh Anonymous, you have such a way with words. You're right, though.
Hmmm...are you having a conversation with yourself, Anonymous? And why are you so afraid of showing yourself...?
Regardless...THANKS! :)
I was gonna say, I'd get the shirt if it came with you but that sounds too much like some cheep pick-up line.
The second one wasn't me... the first was and the reason i stay anonymous is i know you, you know me and if i said you looked hot, it would just be wierd... but i can only speak the truth... sorry
Awww! No fair!!!
sorry, but my secrecy will be kept for now... keep on wearing those shirts JG....
Lets' go Mets!!
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