My awesome pal, Thighs, got us the tickets!
Found this funny. No noisemakers? There is no louder noisemaker than my big MOUTH! haha Wonder how this affects Mr. Cowbell Man. I didn't notice his presence, come to think of it. That's good news for me, as I can't stand him.
I was COMPLETELY wrong about the lack of female-friendly souvenir clothing at CitiField. We've actually got an entire store! Thanks to Alyssa Milano, I can get fantastic Mets stuff (like the jacket I'm wearing in the above pictures – not shown: it's reversible! The other side is classic blue with Mets written out across the front!) that FIT at Touch! What an amazing idea!
And yes, I got that Shake Shack burger! And boy, it was worth the inning-long wait! Oh man...drooling just thinking about it...
Got a shake too. Chocolate/Vanilla. Mmmmmmmmmmmmm...
After much debate, Thighs finally got herself some Cracker Jacks, but was angry and disappointed that once again the prize was a lame pencil topper. Boooooooooo!!!!
Much of the complaints about the new stadium is it's lack of reference the old Shea days (even actress Julia Stiles is disappointed). There's lots of pictures of Ebbits Field, on which CitiField is based, but really? That's not METS. It wouldn't kill them to put up some pictures of games being played at Shea, or even better, some of our old star players!! Like Piazza and Alfonso (and others, but those guys were the team when I first really got into baseball). At least we've got the old apple on display and available for picture-taking. Though it is kind of hidden, like a dirty little secret. And I wonder if it's there permanently...
On the way out, I shot a picture of the layout...I need to study this before next trip! I was constantly getting lost!
Still have yet to get this sushi I've heard about. I'm going again on May 6th, so maybe I'll get some then...though I don't know if I can resist the call of Shake Shack... And yes, I'll probably break down and get that sweatshirt and/or sundress I wanted at Touch... :-P
The End.
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