I was in traffic all morning trying to get across the Tappan Zee Bridge. Once I was able to get across the bridge, I saw that someone was trying to jump off. Cops were able to save him. I did take this picture when I passed. This is the guy that was trying to jump off the bridge...
Heh heh
I also received an email of this link to an Onion article from different co-worker. You don't have to read the whole thing, but Mets fans should definitely read the last paragraph before closing the page:
Struggling Mets Combine to Form Carlos Voltron
I'm supposed to be going to the game with my mother tonight. I'm really hoping it doesn't get rained out because it'll be the last game I go to in Shea Stadium. I'm looking forward to the new stadium (especially the roomier seats), but I'm going to miss the place. It's sad... :(
More importantly, though, we need to get to the frakkin' playoffs!!! Come on, guys! Pull it together!!! (And if you Phillies can start blowing it too, that'd be a big help! Thanks! ;-P)
The End.
I saw the New York Mets play in 1989. I cheered for them because they had a player called 'Strawberry'. Fruit-based names are always best.
LOL!! Up by 600 runs and still lose...hysterical and sad.
I'm supposed to go to the game tonight too!
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