Anyway, since the show has started up again, I thought I'd post the pictures from my tour of the Heroes studio last July. Having the awesome job that I have, I've made some pretty awesome friends that like to do nice things, and Jeph Loeb is one of those friends. If you don't know, he's a very popular comic-book writer and in recent years has become the Executive Producer for this little show. ;-P So, right before the San Diego Comcicon , I stopped in LA and Jeph was kind enough to let me wander around the set...for like 6 hours!!! The crew is AWESOME, they were all so nice and let me go pretty much wherever I wanted and I got to hear a bunch of secrets and meet some of the cast! hehehe
So without further ado (aka babbling), here's my Heroes experience!
Jack Coleman and Ali Larter (she's so pretty):
Adrian Pasdar!!
There's the man himself, Jeph Loeb, as seen through the non-wall of the fake bathroom:
They've got this awesome wall with pics of all the fallen characters!
Remember this door to Mohinder's dad's apartment?
The famous floor!! Soooooo awesome that I got to walk on it!! :)
More of Isaac's-loft-turned-Mohinder's-lab:
The map of all the hero connections. I'm pointing to the prop guy that was showing me around. They got to use crew pics to fill up the map! :)
Sylar's watch shop! REALLY cool!
Workin' at Sylar's worktable! heh I love this picture...
The apartment where Mohinder and Parkman stayed with Molly:
Peter's bedroom... heh heh heh
Claire's kitchen!!
Previous tenants of the studio — including GOLDEN GIRLS!!!
The prop room was fun, I got tons of cool souvenirs!
Awesome view from the lot:
There were more, but I can't post everything...
I got to watch two scenes being filmed, each only a couple minutes long, but were filmed from every angle, focusing on every character, so it took ages. I even got to wear the headset for one of them (writer Jesse Alexander is also super nice and let me use his!). It was awesome! I saw a scene with Mohinder and Maya, but since I don't really like their characters (especially Mohinder) I didn't ask to take pictures with them. haha Mohinder did ask me where Jeph went at one point, though, so I talked to him. ;-P haha
So, all in all, AWESOME experience! My next studio tour should be 30 Rock...can't wait for that one! Tina Fey is super cool!!!
The End.
And no we are even because I am jealous of this tour...
Great to read and see the pictures - looks like you had a wonderful visit back there in 2008 - thanks for putting the link on twitter. The show had such a glorious first season. But there was lots of great stuff in the later seasons too - and I cared for the characters, Noah, Claire, Hiro and Ando especially - I'll miss Heroes.
all the best
wow it is so cool!
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