Real quick. Too funny to not post about. The Daily Show tonight had a segment where they taped a bunch of old Jewish Floridians watching the presidential debate and their reactions. The segment ended with this most hilarious bit:
Old Woman: She's a big horse, isn't she? I shouldn't say that. Thats's...nothing against her.
Old Man: Who?
Old Woman: Michelle. She'...uh...
Old Man: She's got a big tuchas.
Old Woman: She's a big horse, I said.
Old Man: Yeah. A lot of black women have big tuchas.
Old Woman: Not all of them. They have to come from a certain tribe.
Hahahahahaha Old people. Funny, but scary... :-P
(Also, this segment was hosted by my new favourite correspondent, Wyatt Cenac!!)
The End.
29 September 2008
If I Say Too Much I'll Cry...
28 September 2008
27 September 2008
My New Favourite Thing!!
I'm currently in Baltimore for the comic convention. So far so good, I got to watch Brian Bendis debate Robert Kirkman, hang out with friends I only get to see at these things, and picked up a few cool Marvel drinking glasses.
On the con floor today, however, I found my new favourite thing: The Basics by Brian Smith! I've known Brian a long time as he was an editor at Marvel when I first started, but he left soon after that. I had no idea he was making these awesome comics now! This is the awesomest thing. You need to see these. And if you're in Baltimore, please stop by his table and pick up his cool comic & buttons bundle (for around $3, I think)! Cute and funny...and just great!! See for yourself:

The End.
On the con floor today, however, I found my new favourite thing: The Basics by Brian Smith! I've known Brian a long time as he was an editor at Marvel when I first started, but he left soon after that. I had no idea he was making these awesome comics now! This is the awesomest thing. You need to see these. And if you're in Baltimore, please stop by his table and pick up his cool comic & buttons bundle (for around $3, I think)! Cute and funny...and just great!! See for yourself:
26 September 2008
Tonight's game was awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Since they say it better than I can:
On the threshold of a loss that might have left them with little more than a mathematical chance of playing in the postseason, the Mets stormed back from a three-run deficit in the final three innings to beat the Cubs, 7-6, on Thursday night.
One inning after Ryan Church ad-libbed a slide to score the tying run, Carlos Beltran lined a single off the glove of rookie first baseman Micah Hoffpauir to score Jose Reyes from second base with the decisive run in a 7-6 victory that moved the Mets to within one game of the idle first-place Phillies in the National League East and assured them of at least a share of the lead in the race for the NL Wild Card.
It was especially fun for me, as it was my last game at Shea. :( I took a bunch of pics of the stadium and I bought the final season program and the 2008 yearbook (for no small fee, either). But I lost my voice screaming, while I sat one mere row underneath the overhang, luckily not getting wet...but still freezing.
Great game. So glad I stayed for the whole thing. Kick. Ass. :)
The End.
PS I honestly don't think we have much of a chance to get into the playoffs, but here's hoping!
Since they say it better than I can:
On the threshold of a loss that might have left them with little more than a mathematical chance of playing in the postseason, the Mets stormed back from a three-run deficit in the final three innings to beat the Cubs, 7-6, on Thursday night.
One inning after Ryan Church ad-libbed a slide to score the tying run, Carlos Beltran lined a single off the glove of rookie first baseman Micah Hoffpauir to score Jose Reyes from second base with the decisive run in a 7-6 victory that moved the Mets to within one game of the idle first-place Phillies in the National League East and assured them of at least a share of the lead in the race for the NL Wild Card.
It was especially fun for me, as it was my last game at Shea. :( I took a bunch of pics of the stadium and I bought the final season program and the 2008 yearbook (for no small fee, either). But I lost my voice screaming, while I sat one mere row underneath the overhang, luckily not getting wet...but still freezing.
Great game. So glad I stayed for the whole thing. Kick. Ass. :)
The End.
PS I honestly don't think we have much of a chance to get into the playoffs, but here's hoping!
25 September 2008
Mets Stress
I got this email from a co-worker. Though it upsets me that the Mets are blowing it, I still found it pretty funny:
I was in traffic all morning trying to get across the Tappan Zee Bridge. Once I was able to get across the bridge, I saw that someone was trying to jump off. Cops were able to save him. I did take this picture when I passed. This is the guy that was trying to jump off the bridge...

Heh heh
I also received an email of this link to an Onion article from different co-worker. You don't have to read the whole thing, but Mets fans should definitely read the last paragraph before closing the page:
Struggling Mets Combine to Form Carlos Voltron
I'm supposed to be going to the game with my mother tonight. I'm really hoping it doesn't get rained out because it'll be the last game I go to in Shea Stadium. I'm looking forward to the new stadium (especially the roomier seats), but I'm going to miss the place. It's sad... :(
More importantly, though, we need to get to the frakkin' playoffs!!! Come on, guys! Pull it together!!! (And if you Phillies can start blowing it too, that'd be a big help! Thanks! ;-P)
The End.
I was in traffic all morning trying to get across the Tappan Zee Bridge. Once I was able to get across the bridge, I saw that someone was trying to jump off. Cops were able to save him. I did take this picture when I passed. This is the guy that was trying to jump off the bridge...
Heh heh
I also received an email of this link to an Onion article from different co-worker. You don't have to read the whole thing, but Mets fans should definitely read the last paragraph before closing the page:
Struggling Mets Combine to Form Carlos Voltron
I'm supposed to be going to the game with my mother tonight. I'm really hoping it doesn't get rained out because it'll be the last game I go to in Shea Stadium. I'm looking forward to the new stadium (especially the roomier seats), but I'm going to miss the place. It's sad... :(
More importantly, though, we need to get to the frakkin' playoffs!!! Come on, guys! Pull it together!!! (And if you Phillies can start blowing it too, that'd be a big help! Thanks! ;-P)
The End.
23 September 2008
Heroes is Back! Woot!
Heroes started up again last night and it was good. I know Season Two got a lot of shit from fans...and I'll admit it wasn't as good as Season One, but the new season looks like it'll get back on track to being awesome. :) Future Peter is awesome, Hiro and Ando are fun again, and Claire-bear is as cute as ever. (And boy is the "dark" Claire frakkin' HOT!) I think I might start liking "Veronica Mars" too. ;-P
Anyway, since the show has started up again, I thought I'd post the pictures from my tour of the Heroes studio last July. Having the awesome job that I have, I've made some pretty awesome friends that like to do nice things, and Jeph Loeb is one of those friends. If you don't know, he's a very popular comic-book writer and in recent years has become the Executive Producer for this little show. ;-P So, right before the San Diego Comcicon , I stopped in LA and Jeph was kind enough to let me wander around the set...for like 6 hours!!! The crew is AWESOME, they were all so nice and let me go pretty much wherever I wanted and I got to hear a bunch of secrets and meet some of the cast! hehehe
So without further ado (aka babbling), here's my Heroes experience!
Jack Coleman and Ali Larter (she's so pretty):

Adrian Pasdar!!

There's the man himself, Jeph Loeb, as seen through the non-wall of the fake bathroom:

They've got this awesome wall with pics of all the fallen characters!

Remember this door to Mohinder's dad's apartment?

The famous floor!! Soooooo awesome that I got to walk on it!! :)

More of Isaac's-loft-turned-Mohinder's-lab:

The map of all the hero connections. I'm pointing to the prop guy that was showing me around. They got to use crew pics to fill up the map! :)

Sylar's watch shop! REALLY cool!

Workin' at Sylar's worktable! heh I love this picture...

The apartment where Mohinder and Parkman stayed with Molly:

Peter's bedroom... heh heh heh

Claire's kitchen!!

Previous tenants of the studio — including GOLDEN GIRLS!!!

The prop room was fun, I got tons of cool souvenirs!

Awesome view from the lot:

There were more, but I can't post everything...
I got to watch two scenes being filmed, each only a couple minutes long, but were filmed from every angle, focusing on every character, so it took ages. I even got to wear the headset for one of them (writer Jesse Alexander is also super nice and let me use his!). It was awesome! I saw a scene with Mohinder and Maya, but since I don't really like their characters (especially Mohinder) I didn't ask to take pictures with them. haha Mohinder did ask me where Jeph went at one point, though, so I talked to him. ;-P haha
So, all in all, AWESOME experience! My next studio tour should be 30 Rock...can't wait for that one! Tina Fey is super cool!!!
The End.
Anyway, since the show has started up again, I thought I'd post the pictures from my tour of the Heroes studio last July. Having the awesome job that I have, I've made some pretty awesome friends that like to do nice things, and Jeph Loeb is one of those friends. If you don't know, he's a very popular comic-book writer and in recent years has become the Executive Producer for this little show. ;-P So, right before the San Diego Comcicon , I stopped in LA and Jeph was kind enough to let me wander around the set...for like 6 hours!!! The crew is AWESOME, they were all so nice and let me go pretty much wherever I wanted and I got to hear a bunch of secrets and meet some of the cast! hehehe
So without further ado (aka babbling), here's my Heroes experience!
Jack Coleman and Ali Larter (she's so pretty):
Adrian Pasdar!!
There's the man himself, Jeph Loeb, as seen through the non-wall of the fake bathroom:
They've got this awesome wall with pics of all the fallen characters!
Remember this door to Mohinder's dad's apartment?
The famous floor!! Soooooo awesome that I got to walk on it!! :)
More of Isaac's-loft-turned-Mohinder's-lab:
The map of all the hero connections. I'm pointing to the prop guy that was showing me around. They got to use crew pics to fill up the map! :)
Sylar's watch shop! REALLY cool!
Workin' at Sylar's worktable! heh I love this picture...
The apartment where Mohinder and Parkman stayed with Molly:
Peter's bedroom... heh heh heh
Claire's kitchen!!
Previous tenants of the studio — including GOLDEN GIRLS!!!
The prop room was fun, I got tons of cool souvenirs!
Awesome view from the lot:
There were more, but I can't post everything...
I got to watch two scenes being filmed, each only a couple minutes long, but were filmed from every angle, focusing on every character, so it took ages. I even got to wear the headset for one of them (writer Jesse Alexander is also super nice and let me use his!). It was awesome! I saw a scene with Mohinder and Maya, but since I don't really like their characters (especially Mohinder) I didn't ask to take pictures with them. haha Mohinder did ask me where Jeph went at one point, though, so I talked to him. ;-P haha
So, all in all, AWESOME experience! My next studio tour should be 30 Rock...can't wait for that one! Tina Fey is super cool!!!
The End.
More Palin Fun
My aunt forwarded this to me this morning. So glad to know my family is with me on this.
I'm a little confused.
Let me see if I have this straight... If you grow up in Hawaii, raised by your grandparents, you're 'exotic, different.'
Grow up in Alaska killing and eating moose, you're a quintessential American story.
If your name is Barack you're a radical, unpatriotic Muslim.
But if you name your kids Willow, Trig and Track, you're a maverick.
Graduate from Harvard law School and you are unstable.
Attend 5 different small colleges before graduating, you're well grounded.
If you spend 3 years as a brilliant community organizer, become the first black President of the Harvard Law Review, create a voter registration drive that registers 150,000 new voters, spend 12 years as a Constitutional Law professor, spend 8 years as a State Senator representing a district with over 750,000 people, become chairman of the state Senate's Health and Human Services committee, spend 4 years in the United States Senate representing a state of 13 million people while sponsoring 131 bills and serving on the Foreign Affairs, Environment and Public Works and Veteran's Affairs committees, you don't have any real leadership experience.
If your total resume is: local weather girl, 4 years on the city council and 6 years as the mayor of a town with fewer than 7,000 people, 20 months as the governor of a state with only 650,000 people, then you're qualified to become the country's second highest ranking executive (and according to the actuarial tables, you have a greater than 30% chance of succeeding the president during your first term).
If you have been married to the same woman for 19 years while raising 2 beautiful daughters, all within Protestant churches, you're not a real Christian.
If you cheated on your first wife with a rich heiress, left your severely handicapped wife and married the heiress the next month, you're a Christian.
If you teach responsible, age appropriate sex education, including the proper use of birth control, you are eroding the fiber of society.
If, while governor, you staunchly advocate abstinence only, with no other option in sex education in your state's school systems while your un-wed teen daughter ends up pregnant, you're very responsible.
If your wife is a Harvard graduate lawyer who gave up a position in a prestigious law firm to work for the betterment of her inner city community, then gave that up to raise a family, your family values don't represent America's.
If your husband is nicknamed 'First Dude', with at least one DWI conviction and no college education, who didn't register to vote until age 25 and once was a member of a group that advocated the secession of Alaska from the USA, your family is extremely admirable.
OK, much clearer now!
It really scares me to know that there are women voting for McCain/Palin just because Palin is a woman. Or even worse, because Clinton isn't the Democratic candidate. I'm all for a female President, but not THIS female... ::shudder::
The End.
I'm a little confused.
Let me see if I have this straight... If you grow up in Hawaii, raised by your grandparents, you're 'exotic, different.'
Grow up in Alaska killing and eating moose, you're a quintessential American story.
If your name is Barack you're a radical, unpatriotic Muslim.
But if you name your kids Willow, Trig and Track, you're a maverick.
Graduate from Harvard law School and you are unstable.
Attend 5 different small colleges before graduating, you're well grounded.
If you spend 3 years as a brilliant community organizer, become the first black President of the Harvard Law Review, create a voter registration drive that registers 150,000 new voters, spend 12 years as a Constitutional Law professor, spend 8 years as a State Senator representing a district with over 750,000 people, become chairman of the state Senate's Health and Human Services committee, spend 4 years in the United States Senate representing a state of 13 million people while sponsoring 131 bills and serving on the Foreign Affairs, Environment and Public Works and Veteran's Affairs committees, you don't have any real leadership experience.
If your total resume is: local weather girl, 4 years on the city council and 6 years as the mayor of a town with fewer than 7,000 people, 20 months as the governor of a state with only 650,000 people, then you're qualified to become the country's second highest ranking executive (and according to the actuarial tables, you have a greater than 30% chance of succeeding the president during your first term).
If you have been married to the same woman for 19 years while raising 2 beautiful daughters, all within Protestant churches, you're not a real Christian.
If you cheated on your first wife with a rich heiress, left your severely handicapped wife and married the heiress the next month, you're a Christian.
If you teach responsible, age appropriate sex education, including the proper use of birth control, you are eroding the fiber of society.
If, while governor, you staunchly advocate abstinence only, with no other option in sex education in your state's school systems while your un-wed teen daughter ends up pregnant, you're very responsible.
If your wife is a Harvard graduate lawyer who gave up a position in a prestigious law firm to work for the betterment of her inner city community, then gave that up to raise a family, your family values don't represent America's.
If your husband is nicknamed 'First Dude', with at least one DWI conviction and no college education, who didn't register to vote until age 25 and once was a member of a group that advocated the secession of Alaska from the USA, your family is extremely admirable.
OK, much clearer now!
It really scares me to know that there are women voting for McCain/Palin just because Palin is a woman. Or even worse, because Clinton isn't the Democratic candidate. I'm all for a female President, but not THIS female... ::shudder::
The End.
20 September 2008
Paper Foldy Things -- MADE!
Remember the paper foldy things I mentioned? Well, I made the Stormtrooper! Here's pics!

I also made the Prince from Katamari Damacy (a super-awesome video game) but I forgot to take pics and it's at the office... And I've got Scott Pilgrom, Iron Man & a Sentinel to make! So fun! I got a bunch of people at the office hooked on 'em, so if Marvel goes under due to nothing being done... ;-) haha
Here's where he sits now, on my Mac tower, protecting my new space:

Now I'm off to maybe get a Sprint Instinct... MAYBE...
The End.
I also made the Prince from Katamari Damacy (a super-awesome video game) but I forgot to take pics and it's at the office... And I've got Scott Pilgrom, Iron Man & a Sentinel to make! So fun! I got a bunch of people at the office hooked on 'em, so if Marvel goes under due to nothing being done... ;-) haha
Here's where he sits now, on my Mac tower, protecting my new space:
Now I'm off to maybe get a Sprint Instinct... MAYBE...
The End.
19 September 2008
Newest Cover Commission!
How frakkin' beautiful is this?!? It's the newest cover I got to commission, for the Mythos HC. Paolo Rivera is amazing! Check out his cover process on his blog here.
For that matter, check out his whole blog to see more examples of his artistic awesomeness!
Definitely get this hardcover when it comes out! Not only because I worked on it, but because you will enjoy reading it and looking at it! :)
The End.
18 September 2008
One of My Favourite Songs Ever...
Your sorry eyes, they cut through bone.
They make it hard to leave you alone.
Leave you here wearing your wounds
Waving your guns at somebody new.
Baby Im a lost
Baby Im a lost
Baby Im a lost cause.
Theres too many people you used to know
They see you coming they see you go.
They know your secrets and you know theirs
This town is crazy, but nobody cares.
Baby Im a lost
Baby Im a lost
Baby Im a lost cause.
Im tired of fighting
Im tired of fighting
Fighting for a lost cause
Theres a place where you are going
You aint never been before
Theres no one laughing at your back now
No one standing at your door
Is that what you thought love was for?
Baby Im a lost
Baby Im a lost
Baby Im a lost cause
Im tired of fighting
Im tired of fighting
Fighting for a lost cause.
(Lost Cause by Beck)
The End.
They make it hard to leave you alone.
Leave you here wearing your wounds
Waving your guns at somebody new.
Baby Im a lost
Baby Im a lost
Baby Im a lost cause.
Theres too many people you used to know
They see you coming they see you go.
They know your secrets and you know theirs
This town is crazy, but nobody cares.
Baby Im a lost
Baby Im a lost
Baby Im a lost cause.
Im tired of fighting
Im tired of fighting
Fighting for a lost cause
Theres a place where you are going
You aint never been before
Theres no one laughing at your back now
No one standing at your door
Is that what you thought love was for?
Baby Im a lost
Baby Im a lost
Baby Im a lost cause
Im tired of fighting
Im tired of fighting
Fighting for a lost cause.
(Lost Cause by Beck)
The End.
Quickie Ha-Ha #2
One of my best friends posted this on myspace:
This is why he's one of my best friends. ;-P
The End.
This is why he's one of my best friends. ;-P
The End.
TV Time!
90210: Excellent. 2nd episode was okay, but not as cool, the 3rd was awesome! Continuity crazy!!! Brenda was back and they even mentioned "Donna Martin Graduates!" Sweet! And more of the mother from Arrested Development, which is always good. Loved this one.
House: YAY!!!! Man, I missed this show!!! It's comfort to me. Like Law & Order: SVU. Weirdly comforting. I like the formula and I love the characters. This one was great, with a great ending. Loved it.
And not to disappoint: Holy crap, House looked ESPECIALLY attractive this time around!! I think it's a haircut. Man, for a guy nearly 50, he's frakkin' HOT!!
PS Pissed, though, cuz my DVR didn't record the second I gotta watch it online...
17 September 2008
The Mets.
You've got to be f-ing kidding me.
This is because I bought tickets to a *possible* post season game, isn't it? >:-(
The End.
You've got to be f-ing kidding me.
This is because I bought tickets to a *possible* post season game, isn't it? >:-(
The End.
16 September 2008
New Printing!! 2!
Yeah for the second edition printing of the Mini Marvel: Rock, Paper, Scissors Digest (which I've got a sample of in my hand right now, on sale 9/24)!!! I love the first printing, but I'm just as excited for the second! I will actually keep both just because of the different cover! Sooooo cute, Wolvie! Check it! (Then go buy it!)
Seriously, Mini Marvels is one of the funniest (and cutest) comics ever! Especially if you already love Marvel, but you can TOTALLY enjoy it without reading a single Marvel comic!
The End.
The End.
Haw Haw
A friend sent these funny church signs he made with this church sign generator. This is my favourite:

Here's one I made:

Go forth and multiply (make signs if you want)! :-P
The End.
Here's one I made:
Go forth and multiply (make signs if you want)! :-P
The End.
15 September 2008
Paper Foldy Things!
Brian Lee O'Malley, creator of Scott Pilgrim, twittered about one of these paper foldy things based on his character, and it's AWESOME!! There's TONS of cool ones! I know I'll be printing some of these out tomorrow! Good, clean fun! ;-)

The End.
The End.
Feel the Thunder!!
Seriously, this movie is awesome. Go see it. (I know I'm a bit late on this, but there might be others who haven't made it to the theater for this yet!) I'm not going to ruin anything, but it's hilarious! I even like Jack Black in this, and if you know me at all, you know I HATE THAT UNFUNNY SONOFABITCH. ::ahem:: Tom Cruise, phenomenal. I especially love his close-out of the movie. Hehehehe
But the star of the show? Robert Downey Jr. Holy crap. This guy has too long been under my radar. I always had a soft spot for him, b/c I LOVED Chances Are when I was young. But I never really paid any attention otherwise. But b/t Iron Man, Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang (which I made a point to see after I met him) and Tropic Thunder, he's easily become one of my favourite actors. He's just amazing. His performance in TT was outstanding.
Also, the movie opens with a fake commercial and trailers that are outstanding. Please, please see this if you haven't!
I'll leave you with this, my meeting of the man himself (with a little Favreau thrown in for good measure). He's hot for an old guy! ;-) He also seemed a bit...hyper...the entire signing (they were sighing at the Marvel booth at the 2007 San Diego Comicon and I was given the fun job of standing next to Mr. Downey Jr. the whole time to make sure no fans came up from behind.) My mother was quite impressed that I had my arm around him... yeah, that was cool. ;-P haha
The End.
14 September 2008
The Sarah Palin/Hilary Clinton skit on Saturday Night Live last night (which I watched today, thank the cable gods for DVR...) was fan-fucking-TASTIC! I tried to embed the clip from youtube for you, but alas, NBC won't have it. They will, however, show it themselves! Click here to watch it! One of the best SNL skits in a long time.
Gosh, I love Tiny Fey... :-)

The End.
Gosh, I love Tiny Fey... :-)
The End.
12 September 2008
Quickie Ha-Ha #1
Just saw this on Richard Dawkins' blog. haha I frakkin' LOVE The Onion!!!
Christian Couple Staying Together For Sake of God
Short and really funny, read it!
The End.
Christian Couple Staying Together For Sake of God
Short and really funny, read it!
The End.
Dream A Little (Weird) Dream...
I found an old email where I described to a friend I hadn't seen in awhile two dreams that I'd had, so I'm posting that:
"Ok, so TWO nights in a row you've invaded my dreams, so I think it's some kind of sign that we should hang out! Two nights ago: Very strange dream with zombies... All you had to do was cut them (with a knife or something) before they touched you and you'd be okay. So I'm running through a crowd of them, slashing away, when I bump into you and (since you're so much taller than me) stab you through the chin (upwards) but for some reason it doesn't hurt you — and I realise you are NOT a zombie and I apologize a lot and hug you and I really can't remember much more except I think some girl zombie was all up in our shit and I told her to go away (I think I called her a bitch) b/c I was talking to you! haha Oh, and you had bleach-blond hair (looked good by the way).
Last night: I was at some sort of bar/cheerleading training camp or something. Makes no sense, I know. I was not in the cheerleading thing. I really can't remember much about that either except there were girls trying to do all these gymnastic type things and there was a bar where I was getting drinks. Next thing I know, you're there, with some British woman. I asked someone who it was and they said it was your mom. I just remember talking to you outside the bar and something was going on with your mom, but I can't remember what. That's all... oh, except Joe showed up with Jason Lee (dressed like Earl... which I have yet to see) (blog note: I have seen and LOVE My Name is Earl now! :-P) and I was upset b/c he didn't introduce me before he left saying I would see him later at some party."
I remember the first dream, but that second one has left my memory completely! I'm glad I wrote it down! Funnily enough, I recall having another zombie related dream soon after that first one. It was upsetting b/c it involved my deceased cat. I remember I was doing dishes or something and then I realised there was a zombie FLY in the house and I was trying to avoid it, but I was mostly concerned with making sure it didn't get near my cat. I think I had him in my arms and was trying to squish the fly or something. I just know I woke up very upset b/c I realised my cat wasn't alive. :'(
Actually, I've had multiple dreams with my cat in, and I usually wake up crying because in the dream, I realise this isn't right because he shouldn't be alive. How depressing!
Speaking of my cat, I've got a tattoo of him that Christine Norrie drew for me from a picture I gave her! Here it is, it's a bit blurry unfortunately...
Holy Tangent, Batman! :-P
The End.
"Ok, so TWO nights in a row you've invaded my dreams, so I think it's some kind of sign that we should hang out! Two nights ago: Very strange dream with zombies... All you had to do was cut them (with a knife or something) before they touched you and you'd be okay. So I'm running through a crowd of them, slashing away, when I bump into you and (since you're so much taller than me) stab you through the chin (upwards) but for some reason it doesn't hurt you — and I realise you are NOT a zombie and I apologize a lot and hug you and I really can't remember much more except I think some girl zombie was all up in our shit and I told her to go away (I think I called her a bitch) b/c I was talking to you! haha Oh, and you had bleach-blond hair (looked good by the way).
Last night: I was at some sort of bar/cheerleading training camp or something. Makes no sense, I know. I was not in the cheerleading thing. I really can't remember much about that either except there were girls trying to do all these gymnastic type things and there was a bar where I was getting drinks. Next thing I know, you're there, with some British woman. I asked someone who it was and they said it was your mom. I just remember talking to you outside the bar and something was going on with your mom, but I can't remember what. That's all... oh, except Joe showed up with Jason Lee (dressed like Earl... which I have yet to see) (blog note: I have seen and LOVE My Name is Earl now! :-P) and I was upset b/c he didn't introduce me before he left saying I would see him later at some party."
I remember the first dream, but that second one has left my memory completely! I'm glad I wrote it down! Funnily enough, I recall having another zombie related dream soon after that first one. It was upsetting b/c it involved my deceased cat. I remember I was doing dishes or something and then I realised there was a zombie FLY in the house and I was trying to avoid it, but I was mostly concerned with making sure it didn't get near my cat. I think I had him in my arms and was trying to squish the fly or something. I just know I woke up very upset b/c I realised my cat wasn't alive. :'(
Actually, I've had multiple dreams with my cat in, and I usually wake up crying because in the dream, I realise this isn't right because he shouldn't be alive. How depressing!
Speaking of my cat, I've got a tattoo of him that Christine Norrie drew for me from a picture I gave her! Here it is, it's a bit blurry unfortunately...
The End.
11 September 2008
Sketchbook Series #1
Except for one thing: I can't draw.
I didn't want to waste this beautiful book (with excellent, thick paper) on notes or some random crappy scribbles, so I decided to finally start a sketchbook. With all these amazing artists that either know or have access too, it's silly that I haven't started this before. The main reason is, when I used to work at Jim Hanley's Universe (best comic shop in NYC), I met tons of artists at signings we held there, but would always just get sketches on backing boards. By the time I realised I should have started a book, I already had so many random boards with sketches on them, that I didn't want to start over.
But I'm glad I did. I've got some AMAZING pieces since I started this April. I've gone to a bunch of cons this year (New York Comicon, Emerald City in Seattle, Wizard World Philly, MOCCA in NYC, San Diego Comicon & the Toronto Fan Expo) and have filled up a substantial part of it already. I'm hoping to get a couple more at my final con this year, Baltimore Comicon.
So, I'll be posting these sketches here and there. I figured I'd start with my first one, by the lovely and talented Bryan Hitch. One of my favourite artists, both in talent and in friendship!
Eventually, I'll scan all my backer board sketches and post those, too.
Hope you like looking at these!
The End.
Went to the Mets game last night with my (not-so) little (anymore) cousin. We were thrilled when the Mets were ahead of the Nationals 7-1 in the 3rd inning.
Then they blew it and gave up 6 runs so they tied it up (in the 5th, I think).
Then we pull ahead again getting another 4 runs (score: 7-11! hehehe — I'm a child).
Then they frakkin' get 3 more runs. Too close. Finally, bottom of the 8th, we get a couple more, and we manage to make it out of the 9th without giving up any more runs. Mets win 13-10.
Jeez. Our pitching is sorely lacking. We're just lucky their pitching was so crap too.
David Wright was a triple away from completing a cycle. Shucks. That would've been cool to see, especially since I got to see Reyes do it a year or two ago. I got to see Reyes beat the Mets record for most stolen bases in a players' career! And he stole another one for good measure. 283 so far, I believe. Love Reyes, even if he is an arrogant child sometimes. ;-)
Tatis was pretty great this game too. He had an amazing catch out in left field when he jumped like he was playing basketball, then tumbled around and kept it in his glove. He's now my #3 favourite player. #1-Reyes, #2-Wright. Duh. Love these boys:

End Game Recap.
Then they blew it and gave up 6 runs so they tied it up (in the 5th, I think).
Then we pull ahead again getting another 4 runs (score: 7-11! hehehe — I'm a child).
Then they frakkin' get 3 more runs. Too close. Finally, bottom of the 8th, we get a couple more, and we manage to make it out of the 9th without giving up any more runs. Mets win 13-10.
Jeez. Our pitching is sorely lacking. We're just lucky their pitching was so crap too.
David Wright was a triple away from completing a cycle. Shucks. That would've been cool to see, especially since I got to see Reyes do it a year or two ago. I got to see Reyes beat the Mets record for most stolen bases in a players' career! And he stole another one for good measure. 283 so far, I believe. Love Reyes, even if he is an arrogant child sometimes. ;-)
Tatis was pretty great this game too. He had an amazing catch out in left field when he jumped like he was playing basketball, then tumbled around and kept it in his glove. He's now my #3 favourite player. #1-Reyes, #2-Wright. Duh. Love these boys:
End Game Recap.
10 September 2008
I <3 90210!!!!
90210 is back!!!! You're all as excited as I am, right? ;-) (Sorta spoilers below.)
I used to LOOOOOOVE this show. I had a the whole back of my bedroom door (and eventually some of the wall next to it) devoted to posters of this show and it's cast. (If you're lucky, I'll scan and post a picture if I can find it.) I will admit to giving up on it in the later seasons. I stopped around the Kelly Kapowski time (Tiffany Amber-Thiessen). I don't even know her character's name, but she'll always be Kelly to me (if you don't know what this is from, you're too young to be reading this blog anyway). I was looking up the original theme on youtube and came across a later season one that had all these actors on it that I'd never heard of!! There were like 8 new additions, including...HILLARY SWANK!! What?! I had NO idea. Hilarious.
Anyway, the new 90210 is two episodes in so far, and AWESOME. ;-) The cast is pretty cool, though I'm not sure about the main girl yet (the Brenda Walsh-esque girl). She's a little too goody-goody. It's got a similar premise, with a family from Kansas coming to live in Beverly Hills and they have to adjust, except the "Brandon" is a adopted black kid. Best part about this, though, is they come to live with their grandmother who was the mother on Arrested Development! Sweet! She's hilarious! The bitchy/popular/rich girl is great and you even feel bad for her at times. There's the "hot" rich kid, and the sweet guy who dated the bitch, etc. All filling their roles pretty decently.
My favourite new cast member is Erin Silver (just called "Silver" by friends), though. Firstly, b/c she's TOTALLY in continuity (me=geek)!! She's David Silver's and Kelly Taylor's half-sister! Awesome! That and she's super cute and the coolest one. LOVE. HER. And speaking of Kelly! Yes! Kelly's there! And she's got a kid! But whose kid is it?!?! Dylan? Brandon? Oooooohhhhh.... ;-) And Brenda visited on the first episode claiming to be in town for a month, so you know she'll be on others. (Well, that and seeing her in the coming attractions for future episodes. :-P) Excellent.
Also, the Kansas family mom is Aunt Becky from Full House!!! I used to love her on that show (though I still don't know how I sat through so many episodes of that crap). It's funny how the Walshes from the original series were hokey, actual-parent-looking parents, but in this series, they look young and attractive. ;-P
Ultimately, I don't think I'd watch it without all the first-series references b/c otherwise it's just another one of these teen dramas. The continuity stuff makes this show awesome for me (there's even a quick reference to Andrea Zuckerman's kid!!). Which is smart, b/c they'll definitely get more viewers that way. Viewers my age and thereabouts. Even my boss is watching this. hahaha I find it funny to be watching this teen show more interested in the adults. Like Kelly's possible romance and the handsome Kansas dad (who's the new principal). It's weird...and a little relieving. haha :-P
Anyway, if you watched 90210, so far this has definitely been satisfying, I highly recommend it! And also, if you liked 90210, here's a treat for you! I swear, I remember every frakkin' scene in this opener. Especially David Silver's hair...
And speaking of David Silver. I had a horrifying revelation last fall, which I have come to terms with and now accept. David Silver is hot now. Last year when I was watching The Sarah Conner Chronicles, Brian Austin Green joined the cast and I didn't realise it was him at first. I watched the episode thinking "Oh, this new guy is pretty cute. He looks familiar, though." When I finally realised who it was, I was pissed. David Silver is a dweeb! I can't like him! But I watched the new episode of that show on Monday (I like this show, also recommended) and no longer cared that it was David Silver. H.O.T. And HE gets a little bit of Megan Fox (actually, a lot). Lucky bastards. Man, I wish I was in show business...
The End.
PS It's amazing how many of my posts end with a guy I think is hot. And by amazing, I mean sad. ;-) (Not going to stop me, though. Ha!)
I used to LOOOOOOVE this show. I had a the whole back of my bedroom door (and eventually some of the wall next to it) devoted to posters of this show and it's cast. (If you're lucky, I'll scan and post a picture if I can find it.) I will admit to giving up on it in the later seasons. I stopped around the Kelly Kapowski time (Tiffany Amber-Thiessen). I don't even know her character's name, but she'll always be Kelly to me (if you don't know what this is from, you're too young to be reading this blog anyway). I was looking up the original theme on youtube and came across a later season one that had all these actors on it that I'd never heard of!! There were like 8 new additions, including...HILLARY SWANK!! What?! I had NO idea. Hilarious.
My favourite new cast member is Erin Silver (just called "Silver" by friends), though. Firstly, b/c she's TOTALLY in continuity (me=geek)!! She's David Silver's and Kelly Taylor's half-sister! Awesome! That and she's super cute and the coolest one. LOVE. HER. And speaking of Kelly! Yes! Kelly's there! And she's got a kid! But whose kid is it?!?! Dylan? Brandon? Oooooohhhhh.... ;-) And Brenda visited on the first episode claiming to be in town for a month, so you know she'll be on others. (Well, that and seeing her in the coming attractions for future episodes. :-P) Excellent.
Also, the Kansas family mom is Aunt Becky from Full House!!! I used to love her on that show (though I still don't know how I sat through so many episodes of that crap). It's funny how the Walshes from the original series were hokey, actual-parent-looking parents, but in this series, they look young and attractive. ;-P
Ultimately, I don't think I'd watch it without all the first-series references b/c otherwise it's just another one of these teen dramas. The continuity stuff makes this show awesome for me (there's even a quick reference to Andrea Zuckerman's kid!!). Which is smart, b/c they'll definitely get more viewers that way. Viewers my age and thereabouts. Even my boss is watching this. hahaha I find it funny to be watching this teen show more interested in the adults. Like Kelly's possible romance and the handsome Kansas dad (who's the new principal). It's weird...and a little relieving. haha :-P
Anyway, if you watched 90210, so far this has definitely been satisfying, I highly recommend it! And also, if you liked 90210, here's a treat for you! I swear, I remember every frakkin' scene in this opener. Especially David Silver's hair...
The End.
PS It's amazing how many of my posts end with a guy I think is hot. And by amazing, I mean sad. ;-) (Not going to stop me, though. Ha!)
09 September 2008
American Football fan?
I wasn't always a Giants fan, in fact I've always HATED American football. But this year's Superbowl changed that. Well, at least for now it did. :)
Every year for the last six years, one of my friends from college has had a Superbowl party (and all but this year, they included a turducken which is the greatest thing ever — a duck stuffed inside a chicken, stuffed inside a turkey — but they are expensive and a pain to cook, so no more) and I have enjoyed going mainly for the food, a chance to catch up with my college pals and the football pool (last year I won $60!!). But this year, since the Giants were involved, and my boss and other co-workers are huge Giants fans (except my assistant, who likes the Patriots — HAHA), I decided to actually try to pay attention. (Also, my boss and another guy I work with pitched in and bought me a t-shirt to wear to the party.)
And what a great decision THAT was!!! That game was AWESOME!!! I'm sure most of you know about it, so I'm not going to explain the highlights. But this was the first year I actually paid attention and was ABLE to follow! (Previous years, I would ask the same questions about what a down was, etc., only to give up half-way through and not even watch anymore...AND forget the answers the next year.) I watched that thing so closely, getting stressed, pulling on my hair, and screaming and yelling when appropriate (always checking with the others that I was correct! haha). It was great, I was thrilled and I was now a Giants fan. I don't know how much football I'll be watching this year, but I'm going to try to keep up with them. And now I've got a jersey! :)
On a side-note, as I said before, my assistant is a Patriots fan. I'm sure you've heard about what happened to Tom Brady, right? Well, before he came in to work yesterday, my boss was talking about how he was going to be all upset because of a) Brady being out for the season could be disastrous for the Patriots and because b) he thinks "Tom Brady is his fantasy quarterback" (for his fantasy team.)
My response: "Yeah, mine too!" ;-) haha Have you SEEN this guy??? GORGEOUS! He should just screw the football and be a model or something. Or my sugar-daddy. Or both. ;-)
The End.
08 September 2008
Let's Go Mets!!!
If you know me, you know I love the Mets. Currently my favourite baseball squadron is in first place, but only two games ahead. This is stressful, but awesome. If I thought God existed, I would be praying. And hopefully he'd be ignoring me because really, what a lame thing to pray for?! If I was God, I'd be like "Seriously? You're praying for your baseball team to win. Not to eradicate starvation or something? Baseball?!?!" haha
I was always a Mets fan, even as a kid. I've still got the replica '86 World Series ring, a giant button proclaiming them the victors and a poster of the '86 team. But I never ACTUALLY watched baseball. I just would say I liked them best. I don't know why for sure. My dad is a Yankees fan. The reasons I THINK I was a Mets fan was because a) I like the bright colours better and b) my dad's best friend (who I called "Uncle") is a Mets fan and I loved him. Who knows. But I went to my first Mets game in 2000 and I was hooked. I think I went to 14 games that year. To be fair, it WAS a great season for Mets fans, perfect timing for me. They made it to the Series again...and promptly fell apart. Thanks a lot, Benitez...grrrrr....
Anyway, sometime after that my mom started paying attention. She always liked the Mets too, but like me, didn't actually pay any attention to it. I think it started as something for her to do with me, you know, spend time with your only child. ;-) So we started going to games together. Now she has gone waaaaaaaaay past my level of fandom. This is the second year in a row that she's gotten a Sunday season pack (about 13 games) and she DVRs EVERY SINGLE GAME, including the ones she goes to. And she watches them. I just do NOT have that kind of time. And I'm not really into watching the games on TV. It's one of those things I'll put on if I'm doing stuff around the house, or switch to during commercials, but it's just too long and slow to watch when at home. Going to Shea is totally different. I LOVE that. (This year, though, I've come pretty close to my 2000 Shea-going level, I've got my tenth game this Wednesday and my 11th — and final — game on the 25th. I bought a 7-pack this year to have some quality time with my awesome younger cousin. Like mother, like daughter! haha)
SO! Last night my mother went to one of her Sunday games. It was the second game in a double -header against the Phillies and, thankfully, they won. The Phillies have been causing us a lot of trouble this year. Though my mother tells me we're (yes, I'm ON the Mets, did I not mention that?) 11-7 against them, so we've kicked their asses, I'd say. So, according to my mom, last night's game was amazing! She said the tension was high and the fans were riled up the whole time, almost as if it was a playoff game! She was sad I missed it. So am I. I was home watching Atonement.
But here's a great (and by great I mean pretty horrible, but it makes Phillies fans look like bigger assholes) story from the game my mother told me. Somewhere near where she was sitting, there was this kid with a homemade Mets banner. At some point a female Phillies fan (one my mother described as one of those girls that comes to games to traipse around looking cute and getting attention — we've had to endure girls like this before, running back and forth in front of us, clearly not actually giving a shit about the game), who was probably pissed off the Philles were losing, took the banner out of his hand and tore it up!! My mom said he looked about TWELVE!! What kind of bitch does this!??! Now, I've made no secret of the fact that I don't really like kids — don't want 'em, don't want to be around 'em — but even I wouldn't do something like that! Jeez! You shouldn't do it to ANYONE really, but especially not a kid! And not when you're visiting the stadium of HIS team. It'd be SLIGHTLY more acceptable if it was the other way around and he was waving his banner in Citizens Bank Park...but then, only SLIGHTLY. Apparently, they called security and had her escorted out, and surrounding fans actually patched up his banner for him. Awesome. I love the Mets.
Apparently this was a highly tense game and everyone was fighting. My mom saw some bloody guys too. Man, nothing gets people worked up like sports...especially when there's beer around!
So, just thought I'd share. Can wait to see my boys on Wednesday! Let's Go Mets!!!
The End.
I was always a Mets fan, even as a kid. I've still got the replica '86 World Series ring, a giant button proclaiming them the victors and a poster of the '86 team. But I never ACTUALLY watched baseball. I just would say I liked them best. I don't know why for sure. My dad is a Yankees fan. The reasons I THINK I was a Mets fan was because a) I like the bright colours better and b) my dad's best friend (who I called "Uncle") is a Mets fan and I loved him. Who knows. But I went to my first Mets game in 2000 and I was hooked. I think I went to 14 games that year. To be fair, it WAS a great season for Mets fans, perfect timing for me. They made it to the Series again...and promptly fell apart. Thanks a lot, Benitez...grrrrr....
Anyway, sometime after that my mom started paying attention. She always liked the Mets too, but like me, didn't actually pay any attention to it. I think it started as something for her to do with me, you know, spend time with your only child. ;-) So we started going to games together. Now she has gone waaaaaaaaay past my level of fandom. This is the second year in a row that she's gotten a Sunday season pack (about 13 games) and she DVRs EVERY SINGLE GAME, including the ones she goes to. And she watches them. I just do NOT have that kind of time. And I'm not really into watching the games on TV. It's one of those things I'll put on if I'm doing stuff around the house, or switch to during commercials, but it's just too long and slow to watch when at home. Going to Shea is totally different. I LOVE that. (This year, though, I've come pretty close to my 2000 Shea-going level, I've got my tenth game this Wednesday and my 11th — and final — game on the 25th. I bought a 7-pack this year to have some quality time with my awesome younger cousin. Like mother, like daughter! haha)
SO! Last night my mother went to one of her Sunday games. It was the second game in a double -header against the Phillies and, thankfully, they won. The Phillies have been causing us a lot of trouble this year. Though my mother tells me we're (yes, I'm ON the Mets, did I not mention that?) 11-7 against them, so we've kicked their asses, I'd say. So, according to my mom, last night's game was amazing! She said the tension was high and the fans were riled up the whole time, almost as if it was a playoff game! She was sad I missed it. So am I. I was home watching Atonement.
But here's a great (and by great I mean pretty horrible, but it makes Phillies fans look like bigger assholes) story from the game my mother told me. Somewhere near where she was sitting, there was this kid with a homemade Mets banner. At some point a female Phillies fan (one my mother described as one of those girls that comes to games to traipse around looking cute and getting attention — we've had to endure girls like this before, running back and forth in front of us, clearly not actually giving a shit about the game), who was probably pissed off the Philles were losing, took the banner out of his hand and tore it up!! My mom said he looked about TWELVE!! What kind of bitch does this!??! Now, I've made no secret of the fact that I don't really like kids — don't want 'em, don't want to be around 'em — but even I wouldn't do something like that! Jeez! You shouldn't do it to ANYONE really, but especially not a kid! And not when you're visiting the stadium of HIS team. It'd be SLIGHTLY more acceptable if it was the other way around and he was waving his banner in Citizens Bank Park...but then, only SLIGHTLY. Apparently, they called security and had her escorted out, and surrounding fans actually patched up his banner for him. Awesome. I love the Mets.
Apparently this was a highly tense game and everyone was fighting. My mom saw some bloody guys too. Man, nothing gets people worked up like sports...especially when there's beer around!
The End.
07 September 2008
Riding my bike on Staten Island...
Last night I was talking with Rob & Jill about riding my bike (since they've just gotten ones of their own). I haven't really ridden it much since the 5 Boro Bike Tour (super awesome), so when I woke up at 1 PM today (I didn't get home from the party until 3:30!!), feeling like I wasted half of the day already, and looked out the widow to see that it's FRAKKIN' BEAUTIFUL OUT, I decided to go for a ride.
I live on Staten Island, now I know this place is crap, but living near the boardwalk, that's one good thing about it. I have a great place to ride. I get nervous riding in the streets and anyway, it's not very scenic or relaxing even if I didn't. Riding along the boardwalk (there's a bike path next to it) is great. Especially when it's this FRAKKIN' BEAUTIFUL OUT! ;-P
So, it was fun, and this time, I took pictures! Here you go!
I don't know if anyone off the island knows this, but we've got wild turkeys!!! These dudes were hanging out under the boardwalk! There was a baby one I saw for a second but then couldn't find him again, so I don't have a picture of that. :-(

Anyway, the best part is riding underneath the Verrazano Bridge! So cool! I love this bridge. Riding my bike OVER it was my favourite part of the 5 Borough Bike Tour and the main reason I wanted to do the tour in the first place!

Also, when you get up this ridiculous hill (which is what goes under the bridge) you're at like an overlook thing where you can get a good view of Fort Wadsworth. Nice.

And of course, some self portraits... (It's sunny!)

Then I went to Miller Field (big giant field with a little playground and some sports grounds as well) and read some comics and some of the book I'm reading (Ten-Cent Plague) before coming home and blogging about it all. :-P I saw a cutie squirrel running with an acorn. Couldn't get a close-up...

...and here's by bike!

So that's that. Now I have to eat something. I've got a few more pictures here if you want to see.
The End.
I live on Staten Island, now I know this place is crap, but living near the boardwalk, that's one good thing about it. I have a great place to ride. I get nervous riding in the streets and anyway, it's not very scenic or relaxing even if I didn't. Riding along the boardwalk (there's a bike path next to it) is great. Especially when it's this FRAKKIN' BEAUTIFUL OUT! ;-P
So, it was fun, and this time, I took pictures! Here you go!
I don't know if anyone off the island knows this, but we've got wild turkeys!!! These dudes were hanging out under the boardwalk! There was a baby one I saw for a second but then couldn't find him again, so I don't have a picture of that. :-(
Anyway, the best part is riding underneath the Verrazano Bridge! So cool! I love this bridge. Riding my bike OVER it was my favourite part of the 5 Borough Bike Tour and the main reason I wanted to do the tour in the first place!
Also, when you get up this ridiculous hill (which is what goes under the bridge) you're at like an overlook thing where you can get a good view of Fort Wadsworth. Nice.
And of course, some self portraits... (It's sunny!)
Then I went to Miller Field (big giant field with a little playground and some sports grounds as well) and read some comics and some of the book I'm reading (Ten-Cent Plague) before coming home and blogging about it all. :-P I saw a cutie squirrel running with an acorn. Couldn't get a close-up...
...and here's by bike!
So that's that. Now I have to eat something. I've got a few more pictures here if you want to see.
The End.
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