Yep. That's me and my new BFF, Paris Hilton. No, that is NOT a cut-out. ;-) OK, so we're not BFF's, but I did get to meet the hyper-intelligent hotel heiress. :-P
There was some sort of Comicon countdown charity bowling party-thing, free for professionals (like myself) at Bowlmor Lanes in Union Sq. a few weeks ago (so much for my TIMELY postings...) which was why I was there. There was ALSO a party for the grand opening of the new bar on the top floor called Carnival (which looks pretty cool, by the way), which was why PARIS was there. Also, apparently to have her picture taken while "bowling." She was just like posing with the bowling ball before each roll, with camaramen just in the adjoining lanes. VERY important we have pics of Paris bowling!
I just couldn't resist the picture. Although, I was a little shy about asking for it until a fellow co-worker stepped up and asked. To be honest, I was afraid of her many body-guards... haha
Here're a couple other pictures I snapped while waiting, further proof of her non-cut-out-ness:
Oh, the people I meet...
The End.
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