Check this shit out (found on this site via twitter follower). Kirk Cameron and that idiot Ray Comfort will be handing out free copies of Origin of the Species, with a "special" introduction by Ray himself, hoping to give college students an opposing viewpoint to evolution. I'm hoping most of these students will read it and laugh. I kinda want one myself. You know, as a novelty item.
There are many problems with this video, but I'll only just mention a few. Firstly, our liberties are not GOD-given, thank you very much. If that were the case, we'd have practically none. ESPECIALLY women (which is amusing since he says some shit about Darwin's hatred for women). Another pile of bullshit is that NO ONE is telling ANY children that they can't read bibles in school (assuming it's not DURING class). If there's private reading time, or maybe during lunch, that a child decides to use reading the bible, that's FINE. They're not allowed to pray?! Get the fuck out of here. The only thing that's not allowed is that the SCHOOL and/or TEACHERS can't MAKE them pray or read bibles. ::sigh:: I'm getting all worked up here.
Either way, my first thought was what would Kirk say if atheists started going to churches and handing out free copies of the bible with all its contradictions and HATRED OF WOMEN and all its bullshit pointed out printed in a special intro at the front. He'd have a fucking shit-fit, saying how DISRESPECTFUL to their religion it was. It's funny b/c he claims that these students at these colleges are BRAIN-WASHED by atheist teachers and not given an opposing point of view. But what do you think the parents of Christian children are doing?! (I know, I know, not ALL of them. But I'm generalising the way Kirk does.) Creationist-believing parents do not offer their children the Bible and Origin of the Species and say, "Use your heads kids, decide which you think sounds more logical."
Ugh. If you watch the second video in the link at the top, you'll see a girl ripping this video apart, she has many of the same ideas as I have. She also brought up a good point that she (and I agree) doesn't think Kirk would be too happy with free Korans being handed out in schools.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, all this crap is summed up with what our government is SUPPOSEDLY based on: SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE. Man, how HARD is that to understand?!?!
The End.
PS Haha This kinda goes against what I said about praying being allowed in schools (and it is, on the students OWN time), but I still like this quote from who knows where:

[EDIT: This guy basically says what I said, only better. He actually references specific laws...haha]
I disagree with his contention that college students become atheists because the never get a chance to hear the alternative to evolution. When I was in college, you couldn't go a week without the bible thumpers making a big scene somewhere on campus.
If anything, I think one of the greatest contributions to atheism is Chick tracts. Show a Christian one of those and ask them to justify the insanity within. Jack Chick does a great job of siting bible verses and cutting to the quick of "this is what you have to believe if you are a Christian," in an attempt to scare people into converting, but my experience is it chases more of them away.
The greatest weapon against Christianity is Christianity's lunatic fringe. For every one student who gets a copy of this book and thinks, "Wow, God DID create the heavens and the earth and I shouldn't question any further," 50 are going to either never crack it open or are going to seriously question the belief system that would lead someone to reject science and logic.
Man. At least Scientology got Tom Cruise. Kirk Cameron is really the best these punters can do?
Really, this only amuses me. The solution to bad/evil/batshit insane speech isn't stifling it, it's more speech - and pointing and laughing at the stupid shit as loudly and as often as possible.
Ah, Ray "the banana man" Comfort and his crony Kirk Cameron are at it again...
From what I hear Comfort has gotten wise to the publicity and is rewriting the into to his edition of Darwin's book. I am sure it will still be nonsense (perhaps it will even be worse!), and I have no doubt members of organizations like Campus Crusade for Christ will be lining up to get them. As Jake said, though, I have a feeling that a lot of them aren't going to even be read (although I'm curious to see how Comfort mangled Darwin's excellent book in this abridged version).
What a foul and lewd character you are. Do you eat with that mouth? Continue to spout the prevailing attitudes at our universities, today. See what it does to serve you or humanity.
Hey Rick! Thanks so much for stopping by and adding your two cents! It's nice you care so much about serving humanity! I wonder how you came across my little blog!
I'm not really sure what you mean by "Continue to spout the prevailing attitudes at our universities, today." You want me to do this TODAY? I'll "spout" whatever I think is true and I'll do it for the rest of my life. If I can help even once person out of their blindfolds forced on them by their parents/family/society or what have you, then I've done humanity a great service! Those like Cameron who like to encourage others to NOT use their brains need to shut the FUCK UP!
Oh no! I said the word FUCK! I'm so LEWD! (By the way, lewd really means 'preoccupied with sex' which I'm not saying I'm not, but I don't know how you got that from THIS blog.)
Is it really all that bad that I use a few "dirty words"? And the best you could come up with is do I "eat" with this mouth? Not even the standard "do you kiss your mother with that mouth?" Very amusing! Thanks!!
you show him, jen!
You are ducking the question, Jen! Do you or do you not eat with that mouth? The public demands an answer!
Is it a little tinier mouth that shoots out and kills your prey?
Thread necromancy results in silliness.
rick gross = kirk cameron
Angry,Insecure,Hopeless,Sad = Jennifer...period. I'm sure there are more but who cares, you're a joke.
hahahaha Yay! A nasty comment! I get so few!
Care to elaborate on why you think I'm a joke, Ms. Bailey?
If there is a joke it is on her.
Jen, you've actually been a voice of support for me with your posts, links and tweets, so you've helped one person at least keep their blindfold off.
I feel so sorry for you Jennifer! You sound like a really lost soul! Apparently youve never lost someone that you love so much or believing in a God and a heaven that promises we will see our loved ones again wouldnt be so hard for you to accept! I will keep you in my prayers because not only is there a heaven, theres also a hell!
So let me get this straight. You feel bad for me because I HAVEN'T lost someone I really love? (Which is not true by the way.)
You seemed to be confused between WANTING there to be a god and an afterlife and whether or not there actually IS one. SURE it would be nice to know that when I die I will see the family & friends I've lost again, but that's just highly unlikely. Simply wanting it doesn't make it true.
Not only is there not a heaven, there's not a hell. Don't waste your time praying. Go out there and live the life you DO have to its fullest!
First of all, I'm not confused if there is a God; I know He exists for a lot of different reasons. I just dont understand you bashing Kirk Cameron out of all the people in the world you could be bashing. Why do you have such a strong opinion about him unless you are reaching for something? You seem like a really smart girl and could have such a positive impact on people with your strong will. If only you used in a more uplifting way! Have a blessed day! Romans 8:1-2
I know Jen, and she IS very smart and has already had a positive impact on a lot of people's lives, including mine. And she did it all without an ounce of religious guilt or fear-mongering, unlike pretty much every Christian I've ever known that specifically used religion as a way to impact others' lives.
Oh one more thing, Jen. You mentioned wishing there was a God and a heaven doesnt make it true. Well, on the other side of the coin, believing there is no God, heaven, and hell doesnt make it go away. Interesting you're reading The Chronicles of Narnia! Another good read is the book of Revelation! Praying is never wasted! It is my belief that God sent me to your blog for a reason. Still gonna pray even though you dont want me to! Not trying to bash you or your followers-just really strong in my beliefs as are you. Hope life treats you well!
Hey Adam! What a beautiful, biblical name you have! Did you know that the first man God ever created was named Adam? Genesis 2.
Thanks, Anonymous! I was sent to Catholic school up through 8th grade, so I know all about the Adam & Eve/Genesis story. As I remember it, Adam really got the shaft from Eve in that tale. Pfft! Women.
Yes, I will admit, Eve screwed it up for all us women!!! Thats no lie! Have a great day!
I'm stunned by how off-topic some of the comments are. Is Kirk Cameron a self-righteous jerk? Check. Is his ignorance every bit as astounding and his arrogance? Double check. Does he realize that Jesus told us to love one another and the only comment He ever made about homosexuality was that it was wrong for men to call other men the equivalent Aramaic word for "faggot?" Apparently not.
These wacko fundies like to pick and choose what bits of the Bible to quote. If they studied the various texts and the history of Christianity and the politics that formed it they might learn some surprising things. At the very least it would keep them busy and away from meddling with the rest of us.
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