There's not much to say, but I'm just sad. I know that movie backwards and forwards... Ah, just sad. That's all there is to it. He was fairly young too! What a shame... :-(
I think I'll watch it this weekend. Love these "kids"!

"Screws fall out all the time, the world is an imperfect place."
The End.
This was a director I was really hoping had time to come back with a film that equalled the warmth humor and insight of his early work. And I think he would have so were all the poorer for being bereft of what a more mature and seasoned artist could have accomplished.
Not much that can be said beside the fact, that he will be missed and that he was one of the best in his trade. :( Maybe I should dig "Breakfast Club" out and watch it, remembering the time it came out and how it influenced us....
I too was very shocked to her of this.They just re-released Sixteen candels and Breakfast Club on DVD with new cast interviews.It killed me cuz I've bought them both about gazillion time between VHS copies and and all the reissues.I've even got one box set of Sixteen Candels,Breakfast club and Wierd Science that come's in a little blue notebook like Samantha carries in high school.Even has a bonus cd with the songs on it.Yeah I'm a geek for this shit.I even named my kids Samantha and Jake.True story.RIP
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