I had to get up around 4:30AM (the downside to all of this), get to the New Yorker hotel by 6AM, change into the awesome outfit you see above and take a bus uptown to 81st St. Where Spidey was "parked."
This is my assistant Alex and I on the bus:
My other assistant, Nelson, on the bus. He brought his own special hat. Lucky!
We had a little time before we had to grab hold of our ropes, so I walked around the immediate vicinity to get some pics of what was going on around us.
There were a TON of these awesome penguin peeps.
I made a lame joke about having our ducks in a row here, but then heard the announcer make the same joke. haha
These are "Springtime" clowns apparently (the sign you can't see says so):
Some cupcakes. Obviously.
"Sleepytime" clowns:
Some pirate ship I thought was cool:
These guys were my favourite. No idea what they're FOR though...
HOOPER'S STORE!!! Made my day! :-) Big Bird's mailbox is there too!
All in all, it was a great time. It was about 6 hours from when I got to the hotel to get my costume to when I got back to take it off. Then I had to rush home and shower and drive out to my aunt's house for dinner. I'm AMAZED I didn't take a nap once there. I almost ALWAYS nap on Thankgiving. This time, when I've been awake since 4:30AM, I end up playing Scene It: Box Office Smash for XBox (I'm addicted to this game now) with my cousin's until 2AM! Ridiculous. But a FANTASTIC Thanksgiving. There's a good chance I'll volunteer again next year. :-P
The End.