For now, I thought I'd post pictures of the tattoos I CURRENTLY have. If you've seen/heard this all before, I apologise! :) (Some of these are a bit blurry, sorry!)
My first tattoo is this skull and crossbones that I got on my right calf. It's a tattoo that means a whole lot to me because several of my friends also have the exact same one (still waiting for a few others to get it too), including one who is no longer with us. :( I wouldn't say it's a "gang symbol" but we sorta had a "crew" in our high school days and we all had these patches with that skull on it. So...yeah a very MEANINGFUL skull and crossbones! haha Pissed my mother off, at the time though. She was more mad about what it WAS than the fact that I got it!
My second tattoo was a tramp stamp. haha It's the most superficial tattoo I have so far. I just wanted a tattoo there because I always liked seeing them on other girls (if they were good ones, anyway). I had a friend of mine at work design this for me. Got a lion because I'm a Leo and as such have been obsessed with them since childhood. I particularly like the little cat-eye-like designs he made for the sides of it. :) This is often though to be a Lion King tattoo, which has always annoyed me. I care less now, though, I realised I really like the Lion King, so who gives a f#$*!
My third tattoo means the most to me so far. It's a drawing of my favourite kitty ever. My little Shadow. My friend Christine Norrie (a fantastic artist who's art I fell in love with when I read the first Hopeless Savages comic series from Oni Press) drew this for me from a picture of him and it looks just like him. (This one, my mom LOVES.) He died a few years ago and it ripped out my heart. I had him for like 15 years. Don't know if I can ever get another pet because I don't think I can handle it again...
Lastly is my super-awesome LOCKHEED tattoo draw for me by my good friend and original Astonishing X-Men artist, John Cassaday! Comics are my life (obviously) and it all started with the X-Men. (Well, that's not entirely true, I grew up on Archies, but it wasn't until X-Men that I became crazy for comics.) Lockheed has always been one of my favourite X-Men and I liked the idea of a Lockheed tattoo because the average person will just think it's a dragon. When I first saw John's rendition of Lockheed, I knew he had to be the one to do it. Took him three years to get it to me...but it was worth it! (Thanks, John!!!! <3)
So that's it for now. I am currently waiting on two tattoos to be drawn for me, though I get the feeling they will never happen. I've been waiting a few years for one and like 6 months for another, but I'm holding out! In the meantime, I've had a few ideas and with two friends of mine getting tattooed this week, I got the itch BIG time.
So, hopefully I'll have some pics of my new tattoo to post in a few days! Wish me luck!
The End.